Breakfast Smash Burger

Breakfast Smash Burger Recipe.jpg

Serves: 2


 4 slices of thick-cut bacon

2 Broad Street Butcher burgers

2 slices Cheddar or American cheese

2 eggs

2 everything-seasoned buns


  1. Cook the bacon to desired doneness in a large cast-iron sauté pan. Remove from pan and carefully wipe excess grease from pan with paper towels.

  2. In the same pan, make 2 Broad Street Butcher burgers: place portions onto pre-heated cast iron pan over medium high heat. Cook for about 2-3 minutes per side, until browned and cooked to desired doneness. Top with a slice of cheese during the last minute of cooking to melt slightly and remove the burgers from the pan.

  3. In the same pan, fry 2 eggs over-easy. Then, assemble the burgers on the everything-seasoned buns, topping each burger with a fried egg and 2 slices of cooked bacon.

Breakfast Burger Animation.gif

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